Ever thought about having your own garden at home? Learn how to plant okra right now and make this dream come true in a very simple way!
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is a widely appreciated vegetable whose origin is not certain, and may have arisen in South Asia, Ethiopia or even West Africa. It is a plant grown annually. It usually reaches one to two meters high and its fruits are consumed immature, by means of capsules that contains round seeds that are ingested after fries or cooked, depending on the taste and the ingenuity of those who cook.
Another striking feature of okra is that of the drool it produces. It is a mucilaginous substance that not everyone appreciates. In this article you will know how to get rid of this slime and also realize that there are many benefits in okra consumption. In addition, we will explain how to plant the okra in pots and have them for free in your home.
What are the benefits of Okra?
The okra offers numerous health benefits, being almost an invitation to consume it. For example, in the digestive tract it contributes greatly to the supply of fibers in the body, which improves the intestine and helps prevent gastrointestinal problems.
The okra is rich in vitamin A, and contains several antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, xanthine and lutein, which are responsible for fighting free radicals that degenerate the body's cells, including vision. That is, the more you have, the more protected your eyes will be. The presence of vitamin A also enables younger skin with the lowest incidence of acne and scarring.
The high levels of iron and copper inside help fight those with anemia. Good source of calcium, vegetable helps keep bones and teeth healthier. Another positive point is the presence of vitamin C in the legume. This makes the immune system more protected and fights possible harmful agents inside our body.
Okra is also widely used to control diabetes. In addition, the potassium in it helps lower blood pressure and reduce the tension of the cardiovascular system. As it turns out, there are many benefits that make okra imperative in your diet. And know that it is possible to have it planted in the house! See below.
How to Plant Potted Okra
When planting okra, it is important to keep in mind that the ideal climate is warm, with temperatures above 20 degrees in tropical and subtropical regions. In colder locations, the recommendation is to use a greenhouse or set aside for summer or spring. It is worth mentioning that the plant needs at least four hours of direct sunlight per day. So, take this into consideration when planting in a vase in your residence.
Irrespective of whether it is a bed or a vase, the soil to receive the okra should be well drained and fertile, that is, quite rich in organic matter. In addition, the optimum soil pH should be around 6 and 6.5.
Initially, okra seeds should be planted in plastic cups or newspaper packages for the production of seedlings. Place two seedlings per container 2 cm deep and wait for germination, which will occur in about 10 days.
Of easy transplanting, the okra can be taken to the definitive planting in the pot when reaching 10 cm and three or four leaves. For this step, it is important to have a vase already fertilized for at least a week. It is suggested to place earthworm humus or manure well tanned.
How to Care for Okra
One of the important aspects during okra cultivation is irrigation. Watering should occur to leave the soil always moist, but not soaked. Adult plants can tolerate short periods of drought. To avoid compaction and help with moisture, it may be useful to insert dead leaves into the top of the vessel. In some cases pruning can be done to generate the branching or even to invigorate the plant.
Harvesting is recommended between 60 and 80 days after planting the okra. It may continue for a few months if cultivation conditions are favorable. The okra needs to be well developed to be harvested. At the same time, it should be tender and shiny, which usually takes place about six or seven days after pollination and the beginning of fruiting. It is not recommended that it be harvested ripe as it can become very fibrous.
How to plant okra: Final tips
He wanted to plant okra in a pot, was encouraged by the benefits offered by the vegetable, but did not want to know about that disgusting slime he let loose? So pay attention to this tip, which will make you get rid of this sticky substance and still be able to taste all the good that okra offers.
One way to prevent the okra from releasing the slime is to fry it quickly as soon as it is removed. Another solution is to cook it with a solution of lemon juice or vinegar. For example: every 100ml of water add three tablespoons of vinegar and put the okra in this solution in boiling water for three minutes. But first cut the tips of the okra.
The leaves and chalices of the flowers are also edible. However, they should be cooked before being ingested. Some cultivated varieties have the leaves without hairs, which allows the raw consumption. Seeds from ripe fruits can be used to make soups and other dishes.